Hello EVERYBODY ;D How are you? Are you safe at home? What are you doing? Do you have your own face mask? Are you going outside for a walk or sitting for long hours in front of your PC, notebook, tablet or smart phone screen? I hope that you are all doing well. Try to relax. Do not watch the news so much. Most media (mainly TV and radio) are trying to scare you and give you a lot of unimportant informations. Try to use your own mind and look for the "truth" on the WEB. Youtubers like Kovy or people like Peter Ludwig are doing their best to give you the data and advices based on the truth. Nowdays, the most important thing is positive thinking. Stay in a good mood, good health, be in touch (I mean online touch) with your friends and family. The life is sometimes complicated but with love and compassion you can beat any danger. When I feel sad I play my favourite music and dance (on Tripaloski song) :D or play the guitar and sing. You can write me an email or send me a photo: What do you do to feel good? With love your ZEBRA teacher 1.) Read and translate this text (if you are going to use google translator, please try to correct it into a good Czech language, not to sound like: Já včera být v pět hodin doma a čistit si zuby) - send the translated text to my email: jakub.kvacek@zsopatovice.cz - I will give marks from 1 do 3 only, when you don´t send anything till the end of the week I will give you 5 2.) Answer the question at the end of the text (at least 2 sentences) - všichni co pošlete srozumitelnou odpověď nebo fotku dostanete velkou 1 za aktivitu (toto je dobrovolné) + JAKO BONUS, VÁM VŠEM CO SPLNÍTE, POŠLU ODKAZ NA MOTIVAČNÍ VIDEO NEBO FOTO ;D 4.) Play these games --> https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/phrasal-verbs/ --> https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/fast-english/ (tyto odkazy bude potřeba zkopírovat do internetového prohlížeče) - try it many times and then send me the screen or print screen to my email with your highest score - at the end of the game when the time is up, you can enter your name and country and put yourself into the table with results and best scores 5.) Choose one of the tongue twisters (říkanek) learn it or read it only and send me a voice record on my email (Každý smart phone má aplikaci na nahrávání zvuku nebo si stáhni aplikaci záznamník.) - if you choose number 1 - 3 I will give you 1 for speaking - if you choose number 4 - 5 I will give you 2x 1 za speaking (vše do ŽK) - NEBOJTE SE BUDU HODNOTIT HLAVNĚ SNAHU, NAHRÁVKU SI POSLECHNU POUZE JÁ A POTOM JI OKAMŽITĚ VYMAŽU !! VZOROVÉ NAHRÁVKY VÁM POŠLU S PŘEDSTIHEM NA MAIL !! 1.) Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit? 2.) How many berries could a bare berry carry, if a bare berry could carry berries? Well they can't carry berries 3.) Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! 4.) She sells sea shells on the sea shore; The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells are sea shore shells. 5.) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 6.) RELAX, LEARN, RELAX, LEARN for PŘIJÍMAČKY, KTERÉ, KDOVÍ KDY BUDOU ;D !!! POKUD U JEDNOTLIVÝCH ÚKOLŮ NEBUDE UVEDENO: POŠLI MI NA MAIL NEBO BUDU HODNOTIT ZNÁMKOU TAK MI POSÍLAT NEMUSÍTE. NECHCI MÍT ZBYTEČNĚ ZAHLCENOU SCHRÁNKU A ANI VÁS NECHCI ZBYTEČNĚ ZAHLCOVAT ÚKOLY. SAMOZŘEJMĚ BUDU RÁD, POKUD SE BUDETE DOBROVOLNĚ VZDĚLÁVAT AŤ UŽ SLEDOVÁNÍM FILMŮ, HUDEBNÍCH KLIPŮ, ČTENÍM NEBO HRANÍM HER V ANGLICKÉM JAZYCE !!!