Týden 13.3. – 19.3.2020 ČJ – PS s.36-40 (kontrola vzadu) Pravopisné pětiminutovky s.45 Sloh – ČJ PS s.18 Trénování básně M – do sešitu M – uč. 2.díl s.34/3,4, s.35/7,8,9 + 1 jakoukoli slovní úlohu z této strany, ústně s.36,37 AJ – slovíčka PS S. 76 D – Mickey, Millie and Mut, s. 38/1,2 Opakovat : Kladná věta: I am from… (Já jsem z…) You are from… He,( she, it) is from… We are from… You are from… They are from… Zápor – I am not from… You are not from… He,( she, it ) is not from… Otázka – Am I from…? Are you from…? Is he (she, it) from…? Are we from…? Are you from…? Are they from…? Odpověď – Yes, I am,(you are,he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are). No, I am not, (you are not, he is not, she is not, it is not, we are not, you are not, they are not ) - i stažené tvary Have got/has got: Kladná: I have got a pet. (Já mám domácího mazlíčka.) You have got a pet. He (she, it) has got a pet. We have got a pet. You have got a pet. They have got a pet. Záporná: I have not got a pet. ( i stažené tvary) You have not got a pet. He, she, it has not got a pet. We have not got a pet. You have not got a pet. They have not got a pet. Otázka: Have I got a pet? Have you got a pet? Has he, she, it got a pet? Have we got a pet? Have you got a pet? Have they got a pet ? Odpověď: Kladná:Yes, I have. Yes, you have. Yes, he, she, it has. Yes, we have. Yes, you have. Yes, they have. Záporná: No, I have not. No, you have not. No, he, she, it has not. We have not. You have not. They have not (i stažené tvary ) Přítomný čas prostý: Kladná : I watch TV. You watch TV. He, she, it watches TV. We watch TV. You watch TV. They watch TV. Vlastivěda: PS s.26-30 (kontrola vzadu) Přírodověda 5 - uč. str. 59 - 61, pracovní sešit - mít hotovo do str. 33, cv. 10